6 September 2022 9am – 1pm + Add to calendar enhanced webinar zoom

what's this course about?

Compassion is when we notice our own distress and to have the commitment to relieve it and prevent it from happening again. It’s often much easier to show compassion and care to others than ourselves, but the way we relate to ourselves through difficulty is so important for our overall mental health and wellbeing. It’s easy to tip into harsh self-criticism when life throws us stressful experiences such as loss, failure and disappointment.


what will you get out of it?

Compassion is a skill that can be developed through practice and reflection over time. This course will introduce you to skills and strategies to develop your compassionate mind and a healthier relationship with yourself.

This will not only be of benefit to you personally but also in your working life and help you to be more supportive of others, enhancing your relationships.


after completing this course you will be able to

  • Understand compassion and how it can be developed
  • Understand the competencies, attributes and qualities of the compassionate mind.
  • Learn how to develop your compassionate self
  • Understand how the three-circle emotional regulation model can help you keep balanced and thriving.
  • Learn about the three flows of compassion, self to self, self to others and others to self.
  • Learn how to support yourself with kindness and care when times become difficult
  • Develop your own compassionate toolkit.


is this course for you?

This course is ideal for anyone who wants to explore ways of developing a better relationship with themselves, but it is not designed as a replacement for individual therapeutic support. There will be activities and reflections which will require some self-analysis in a safe and supportive environment. Please ensure you feel you have the capacity to look after yourself through the session.


meet your trainer