eat and exercise for energy

Now with voice over! Learn how to use nutrition and fitness to improve your energy levels.

Our e-learning allows you to focus on your personal and professional development, wherever you are. Each course is broken down into easy to manage sections so you can work through them in your own time, at your own pace.

Our e-learning courses are open to everyone with a my caba account.

Boost your activity levels and get the facts about diet and nutrition. Learn and practice simple exercises that you can do at home. Discover how the food you eat impacts your mood as well as your physical health. Get recipe ideas to help you make healthier food choices with confidence.

what's this course about?

This course is split into 2 modules, each taking around 20 minutes to complete. The modules can be completed in your own time, at your own pace. If you don't have time to complete both at once, you can always come back to the same place when you next log in.

In the first module you'll learn the importance of macro nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats and how to balance these effectively to boost your energy, improve your sleep quality and your resilience.

In the 2nd module you will explore different types of exercise and the health benefits associated with them. You'll learn simple exercises you can do at home without any expensive equipment to boost your energy and increase your fitness level.

what will you get out of it?

You'll learn about nutrition and how to eat to have more energy and to improve your mood. These quick and easy exercise routines can fit into a busy day without needing to visit the gym or invest in expensive equipment.

after completing this course you will be able to

  • understand how food can impact your energy levels
  • feel confident about making healthier food choices
  • make nutritionally balanced snacks and smoothies
  • create a basic exercise plan based on your goals
  • be able to identify muscles responsible for specific movements
  • safely perform a range of exercises using simple equipment

is this course for you?

This course is for anyone who would like to learn more about nutrition and exercise and how to best use them to improve their energy levels.