agm 2024

Notice is hereby given that the eighteenth Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Chartered Accountants’ Benevolent Association (the “Charity”) will be held on Thursday 19 September 2024 at 3pm as a hybrid meeting with members (and those acting in as proxy) either present by Zoom video-conference or physical attendance at Merrett House, Swift Park, Old Leicester Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 1DZ for the transaction of the business set out below.

book your spot for the AGM

register for the agm here

This notice contains the business of the meeting and the resolutions to be voted on at the Charity’s AGM.  A poll vote will be held, using electronic means, on each of the resolutions set out below. 

ordinary resolutions

  1. To receive the Financial Statements, the Reports of the Trustees and the Auditor for the year ended 31 December 2023
  2. To appoint Anokhee Davda as a Trustee of the Charity
  3. To appoint Anne Davis as a Trustee of the Charity
  4. To appoint Helen Gale as a Trustee of the Charity
  5. To appoint Rupert Terry as a Trustee of the Charity
  6. To appoint Sahil Bhardwaj as a Trustee of the Charity
  7. To appoint Andrew Wauchope as a Trustee of the Charity

notes to the 2024 AGM notice

  1. This meeting has been called in accordance with the Charity’s articles of association.
  2. The 2022 and 2023 AGMs were held as virtual meetings, and in the interests of uniformity and certainty, the trustees have decided to take a similar approach for the 2024 AGM.
  3. We encourage all members to attend using the remote participation details contained in the AGM Notice.  Those who are attending using those details will be counted in the quorum for the meeting.  
  4. Some trustees may be present at the physical location for practical reasons, however caba Members are recommended to participate using the remote participation means provided.
  5. All voting, including voting by any members who decide to be physically present at the AGM, will take place by way of online vote (a poll vote) conducted during the meeting via the online meeting platform. All other communication will be facilitated via the online meeting platform. 
  6. Full information about how you can vote and otherwise participate in the meeting will be published here:
  7. If you cannot attend the meeting using the details provided, please consider appointing a proxy to vote on your behalf using the enclosed proxy form.