Here at caba we recognise that data security is a big concern for many people - and for a good reason. Since we're asking for consent to use your personal data we want you to feel confident that your information is being used appropriately.
Below you can find answers to common questions about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), how it affects your data and the changes caba has made as a result.
If you have a question that isn't answered here please contact us on +44 (0) 1788 556 366 or send an email to [email protected]. To provide consent for caba to contact you please fill in the consent form on
what is GDPR?
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of new data protection rules that came into force on 25 May 2018. They mean that organisations like caba can only use your personal data to contact you if you've given them permission to do so.
Why is caba asking for people's consent now? didn't you need it in the past to be compliant with existing regulations?
According to the former regulations, caba could communicate with you if you hadn't unsubscribed (opted out). That's what we did until 25 May 2018. We provided everyone with the opportunity to opt out and if you did, we excluded you from our communications.
GDPR has changed this approach in 2 ways:
If I choose not to opt in, will I still be able to access caba's services?
Yes. You can always contact us in the future for support even if you haven't given us permission to contact you. Similarly, if you currently receive support from caba, this won't be affected at all.
How can I give caba permission to contact me?
There are several ways you can give your consent:
Can I opt out after I've given consent?
Yes, you can opt out any time at or by calling us on +44 (0) 1788 556 366. Once opted out you can opt in again any time using any of the methods mentioned in question 4.
If I don't do it now can I provide consent later?
Yes, you can opt in any time.
If I opt out will this be recorded and actioned instantly?
As above, the time needed to accurately record and process all opt outs means it could take up to 30 days for your request to take full effect.
Where can I access details of how caba processes my data?
caba's full privacy notice is available at You can also find a summary of the privacy notice below. You can call us on +44 (0) 1788 556 366 to request further information.
The privacy notice mentions that caba may share information with selected third parties. What does this mean?
We'll never provide your data to any other organisations for their own use, however we do use third parties to process communications or provide services on our behalf. We'll only provide these companies with the information they need to deliver the relevant service and will make sure that all data is treated with the same level of care as if we were handling it directly. If you wish to opt out of your details being passed to third parties this will be treated as a full opt out of all communications from caba.
The privacy notice also mentions profiling. What does this mean?
Occasionally, we use profiling to enable us to provide you with more relevant services and communications. If you opt out from profiling activities, your details won't be processed for this purpose, but you'll continue receiving updates about caba's services where you have provided your consent.
You can opt out of profiling or other activities any time by contacting us directly on +44 (0) 1788 556 366 or by completing an online form at
Why do I need to provide an ICAEW number when giving consent?
We need to be certain that we can accurately identify each person providing consent. In many cases, an ICAEW number is the best way to avoid confusion when, for example, people with the same name give their consent. To ensure that this doesn't happen and that we can process every opt in or opt out request, an ICAEW number is a mandatory field on most consent forms (with certain exceptions such as the family member opt in forms).
If you're unsure of your ICAEW number or don't have one, please contact us directly on +44 (0) 1788 556 366.
Can I provide consent in the name of my husband, wife, or dependent child?
Ideally, consent needs to come directly from the person concerned. However, we appreciate there may be circumstances involving Power of Attorney or incapacitation, when this isn't possible. In this case please contact us directly on +44 (0) 1788 556 366.
I've already provided consent for ICAEW communications. Do I need to provide consent for caba too?
Yes. Providing consent for ICAEW communications doesn't include caba. You need to provide specific consent for future caba communications.
The UK is leaving the EU in March 2019. Why do we need to comply with the EU regulation if we're not going tobe part of the EU in the future?
In a statement of intent the Government has committed to updating and strengthening data protection laws through a new Data Protection Bill. The Bill will bring the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into UK law. Therefore, GDPR will be enforceable from May and continue to inform any UK legislation developments post-Brexit.